Thursday, May 8, 2008

General Market Report

Well, folks, it's still pretty bleak out there, I'm sorry to say. The apples, the oranges, the citrus -- they're all there, but they are not lookin' too good. The strawberries are still going strong, which is great -- especially if you're interested in whipping up some of those margaritas. My one piece of exciting news is this: cherries have begun to drizzle in! They're still hard as rocks and much too pale in color, but they're there. According to most farmers I spoke with, more summer fruit will begin to appear within the next few weeks. So, keep your eyes peeled for pluots, plums, and apricots. This does also mean, of course, that we're in the last throes of winter citrus -- so stock up now if that brings tears to your eyes. Not me, though -- I simply cannot wait for nectarines and peaches and pluots and melons!

See you at the market!

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