Saturday, January 26, 2008

Get Ready!

I plan to make my first official post about the farmer's market to be held on Saturday, February 2nd. Check back then for our first report!


TB said...

I'm counting the days until the first real entry. Question, however: since you will be visiting the Farmer's Market in an utterly professional capacity now, does that mean we can't go together?

Err Bloc Tuck said...

I love sundries. Especially chocolate fudge sundries. I didn't know you could get those at the farmers' market.

Jessica said...

Tam, Of course we can still go together! In fact, your input is highly valued!

Jessica said...

I don't know if I can get fudge, but I can get homemade marshmallows and chocolate brioche. Yum!

Anonymous said...

As a professional historian and pop culture critic of farmer's markets, (though mainly in the greater New Jersey area) I look forward with interest to your blog about the Irvine location. I would be most interested in your sense of the economic impact the market has on the neighborhood and city i.e. do retailers make most of their revenue at the weekly market? How many people visit the market on a per capita basis? Are there potties at the market?
All the best in your new endeavor.
Rev. Rob Gregson, Greater New Jersey Area

nasser said...

so far my fav. part of the blog is the pretty background. dots are wonderful.

Anonymous said...

I went to a farmers market last sundry

Anonymous said...

What is a sundry?

victor said...

glad you are up.
sounds delicious.
wish we were there